Third-Party Indirect
Tax Systems

Changing or upgrading your ERP and wondering if this is a good time to also consider a change to your indirect tax system? Is your current indirect tax system not “all that you thought it would be” when you originally implemented it? Are you still having issues with tax calculation or compliance even though you invested in an indirect tax system? Has the system you implemented just grown to be too expensive to license or maintain as your business has expanded?
Whether you are considering your company’s first indirect tax system or replacing (or upgrading) an existing system, we can help. Our team has successfully implemented all major third-party sales and use tax solutions from the following vendors and will apply our experience and knowledge to your situation in software evaluation, selection, and implementation:
- Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Indirect Tax
- Vertex Indirect Tax O Series
- Avalara Tax Solutions
- Sovos Global Tax Determination
- CCH Indirect Tax Solution