Business License
FandlGagnon has filed business licenses in most major taxing jurisdictions in the United States and has a significant database of filing requirements. Business license can include not only the business license, but weights and measure permits, fire & sign permits, mercantile taxes, fictitious name registrations along with a myriad of other licenses and filings. Managing all of these filings can be quite challenging for today’s tax department due to lack of resources and institutional knowledge.
FandlGagnon’s business license outsourcing services include all steps necessary to effectively manage the business license function; including registrations, data review, return prep and filing and payment of tax using a dedicated imprest account, audit support, license management and forwarding and management reporting.
Our secure on-line data warehouse allows clients access to all of its business license documents including filings, notices, and compliance calendars. We handle all aspects of business license outsourcing as part of our overall business license services offering.